Who Are We?

Hi, we are IT Vikings.We are passionate about learning and the role that technology can play in both engagement and bringing learning to life!
IT Vikings is the brainchild of Eva Steffensen and was formed in 2019 with the aim of bringing brilliant tools for learning from new and exciting companies to a broader audience in the Nordics.
We are excited to bring our first product to the Norwegian market - Sleuth IT. A brilliant and innovative combination of gamification combined with literacy, numeracy and “21st century skills”, Sleuth IT provides schools with a great platform to address tverfaglige tema in fagfornyelsen, and introduce problem solving to students in a fun and engaging way.
Our focus is on helping schools to find solutions to engage and improve student learning, and as education continues to evolve, we want to help schools to make the most of the possibilities that exist now and in the future!


Eva Steffensen


Eva has over 25 years of experience working with EdTech. She coordinates worldwide training as International Implementation Manager for skooler.com, a Learning Management System. As Project Leader and Pedagogical Advisor for Kreasjon.no she supported schools all over Norway in using technology effectively in the classroom. As Special Education Coordinator she worked closely with Statped and DysleksiNorge and helped get one of the first few schools in Norway certified as Dyslexia-Friendly. She has taught all grades from 1st (including WTR+) to 13th (Mathematics and English.) Eva is a Lektor, Book Creator Ambassador, OneNote Avenger and certified by Apple. As Senior Counselor for the State of California, she achieved top results with pupils needing accommodations and had a lead role in the Assistive Technology Team. She has a passion for helping students with communication and learning challenges become more independent using technology.

We have over 25 years experience as teachers and advisors helping teachers to see the possibilities technology can bring for improving learning and working with schools and kommune all over Norway to ensure that technology investments lead to improved student outcomes.
We want to bring new and exciting ideas that support learning in a relevant and enagaging way.
Fagfornyelsen and the growing focus on development of skills like problem solving, collaboration and gamification mean that many schools are now looking for new and engaging ways to help students develop these essential life skills.
Sleuth IT games are the first product that we are pleased to be able to introduce to Norwegian schools, teachers and students.

Developed to help schools address “21st century skills” and cross curricular activities 

Sleuth IT adventure games were developed by renowned Education trainer Joe Moretti as a taster day activity to help orientate Year 7 students around their new secondary schools, but soon he realised its potential as a classroom resource in its own right.

The adventure game format and “whodunnit” style narrative works to connect the enjoyment of a gaming experience with active learning. Whilst students enjoy the game, they are also developing their literacy, numeracy and essential core skills.

Differentiated levels of resources promote the inclusivity of students of all abilities. All the barneskole games come with two versions of the same game, with scaffolded learning for more challenged students so they can participate fully and share the same experience. For Norwegian schools, there is also the added beenfit that students get to develop their English literacy skills too while playing the game.


Games that make you think!

Gamification has been proven to engage and excite children, and get them involved in learning. Sleuth IT games use a range of multimedia in a bespoke application to create an intriguing ‘whodunnit’ adventure game to be solved.

The range of content in each Sleuth IT game is designed to develop reading ability, comprehension, problem solving skills, critical thinking, collaboration, all within a project based framework aligned to curriculum outcomes. The wide range of resources and lesson ideas provided with the games are designed to encourage their creativity across the curriculum.


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